JAC Price: US $1.99

App Style Preferences

Standard Application With Dock Icon:
JAC has a standard menu bar & dock icon, and appears in the Application Switcher & in the Finder’s Force Quit dialog. The dock icon has a menu.
System-Wide Menu:
JAC has a system-wide menu only, as described above. JAC does not appear in the dock, Application Switcher, or the Finder’s Force Quit dialog.

Important: When JAC is first installed by the App Store its icon is placed in the Dock even when not running by setting the Dock’s Keep in Dock option. This Dock setting overrides an individual applications setting to not have a dock icon. When Keep in Dock is set then JAC’s system-wide menu style will remove JAC from the Application Switcher, the Finder’s Force Quit dialog, and the dock menu — but the dock icon will remain. This may be fixed either by dragging JAC’s icon from the Dock when it is not running, or by selecting the Dock’s Remove from Dock (Snow Leopard) or unchecking Keep in Dock (Lion & Mountain Lion) option in the Options sub-menu of the Dock's contextual menu:

Standard Application With Dock Icon And System-Wide Menu:
Application or accessory? Can’t decide? Be both.
Colour System-Wide Menu:
Use a colour icon () rather than a grayscale icon () for the system-wide menu.