Sϵv϶n Price: US $3.99


Sϵv϶n is a formatted text editor/simple word processor. Sϵv϶n has particular support for technical writers writing documentation for macOS applications. With its many features, Sϵv϶n is a capable application lying in the region between basic text editors and powerful word processors.

  • Native file formats are RTF and RTFD.
  • Can read and write Word, OpenDocument and HTML formats.
  • Uses the modern document model (versions, etc.) with a special “Save As” feature for pre-Lion aficionados.
  • Features to assist in producing application support documentation.
  • True highlighter pen.
  • Live word counting.
  • Correctly handles RTFD (rich text with graphics) documents under control of the Subversion (svn, 1.7+ & 1.6) and Git version control systems; other applications often tend to break version control.
  • Manages macOS Versions so that documents under Subversion or Git control are correctly updated when using macOS Revert operations.
  • And more…

Changing Times: Introducing the Embedded Subversion Client

Due to changes to macOS, and with Xcode ceasing to include it, locating an accessible installation of Subversion has become harder for Sϵv϶n, and currently even impossible on some systems despite Subversion being accessible from the Terminal… 😞

To address this from the release of version 2.3 Sϵv϶n now includes its own embedded Subversion client for macOS 10.13 onwards, including native Apple Silicon support in macOS 11. For more details see Help! Where’s My Subversion?


The original language of Sϵv϶n is English. Based on automatic translation Sϵv϶n is localised in French, German and Portuguese; the in-application help offers a choice of localised text or the original English.

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