Date Paradox Resolver Price: US$2.99

Step-by-step Walkthrough

This is an example walkthrough resolving paradoxical dates with Date Paradox Resolver.

  1. This our example folder, Paradoxical, in the Finder; the folder has been copied resulting in all the creation dates being reset to the time of the copy.

  2. Select the folder Paradoxical as the target and the Resolve Paradoxes task.

  3. On clicking Resolve a progress window is first displayed followed by this report window. The number of changes made is shown; and the opportuntity to Preview in Finder these changes, and to Undo them if needed.

  4. This our example folder, Paradoxical, with the paradoxes resolved; the creation dates are no longer after the modified dates.

    Had the original creation dates be available from the original source of Paradoxical then they could have been restored using the Copy creation date from task.