TimePreserver Price: US$9.99/Free

Step-by-step Walkthrough:
   TimePreserver Lite

This is an example walkthrough of updating an archive in TimePreserver Lite; an opening splash screen may be shown before any of the windows below.

  1. TimePreserver Lite has one main window which opens at the start. All normal operations happen in this window.

  2. The Time Machine Server menu lists all the Time Capsules (or other Time Machine Servers) TimePreserver Lite finds on the network. For each Time Capsule a list of the disks is listed under its name.

    Select the Time Capsule disk you wish to archive.

  3. After a source is selected TimePreserver Lite updates the Archive Destination menu to only include those disks capable of storing the archive. For example, a disk will not be listed if has insufficient capacity or does not support some filesystem feature required. Network disks and non-Mac formatted disks will only be listed if they are enabled in Preferences and they are compatible with the selected source.

    Select the destination and then the Archive button.

  4. You are now presented with an operation confirmation window. The content of this window will vary slightly depending on the operation requested (updating an existing archive, creating a new one, etc.), this includes the name of “confirmation” button.

    In this case the request is to update an existing archive, selecting the Update button will commence the operation.

  5. TimePreserver reports its progress during the operation. Determining in advance how much data needs to be transferred would be time-consuming, so instead TimePreserver Lite estimates as it goes and uses a progress bar - which will sometimes be indeterminate.

    Above the progress bar are up to two lines of status; the first indicates which Time Machine backup is currently being archived, the second which phase of the archive operation is underway. The progress bar starts at zero for each Time Machine backup.

    Below the progress bar is a numeric status area:

    The amount of out-of-date data deleted from the destination.

    If two values are shown the red value is the amount of data TimePreserver Lite has copied, and the green value is the amount TimePreserver would have copied; the difference is due to TimePreserver performing incremental updates.

    In this example TimePreserver has so far copied 62.74Gb while TimePreserver would only have copied 2.36GB.

    This is the amount of time Time Machine has been prevented from doing backups while the archive is underway; the number means something slightly different for TimePreserver Lite and TimePreserver.

    For TimePreserver Lite the red value is the time every Mac backing up to the Time Capsule has been prevented from running Time Machine backups; it will always be equal to the elapsed time.

    For TimePreserver the green value is the longest time a single Mac has been prevented from backing up with Time Machine; any other Macs have been blocked for less (or the same) time, and no two Macs are ever blocked at the same time.

    The elapsed time of the operation so far.

    If two values are shown the red value is the amount of time TimePreserver Lite has taken, and the green value is the amount TimePreserver would have taken.

    The number of items scanned.
  6. On completion the total amount of data copied, items scanned, locked out time, and time taken are shown for TimePreserver Lite and what they would have been for TimePreserver.

    Select the Upgrade to TimePreserver button to visit the Mac App Store or Dalamser Web Store if you wish to upgrade. Select Quit from the TimePreserver Lite menu to finish.